
Age 23, Female


Joined on 4/15/12

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 I may not be good at making Sonic characters, but hey, I like others (Getting soooo much better! I got the hang of it!). My drawings that are NOT Sonic characters get better and better. I'm a fan of TheWax70. I do NOT curse. I like seeing funny things and especially Sonic stuff. It's more of a hobby, I think. So if anyone needs a helper in a movie, I would probably be the one, as long as it doesn't have cursing or inappropriate stuff. I'm serious.

Hi guys! Updating on 9/30/2014! So.... news news news... well, to tell you the truth... I'm working on a comic. I'll see if I want to post it on here. It's based on a girl named Bailey who is moving into Crush City (No, it's a made up story not my life) so yeah. More art to come soon. And maybe even more audio. So I'm pratically bored yet excited. I hope I turn out to be as great as some of you. I'm not good at making flash games/movies, so I type up stories that I will NEVER post on here even if I find them great. But... surprise surprise! They might be put into ACTION! Yay! I don't care if you think it's stupid or not. I know my news and comments before were stupid, but now I'm diff-er-ent-o. Yeah... anyway, be looking forward to more updates!! See you Newgrounders later! 

Hai! Updating 11/25/2015. Just wanted to say, the Crush City thing didn't work out as planned. I gotta say, I get pretty bored quickly sometimes. Other news? I'm on YouTube! I'm Amy Ruchian! My bro, Cody and I make videos on there (and individual ones.) I also post my own songs, which are in accapella, since I have no patience in putting the notes from my keyboard on paper. Story Update (Unless you don't know): I officially have 50 (or more... or less...) stories in the process of making! Sadly, only one is finished. Updates on drawing? Not exactly drawing Sonic characters anymore. But, I'm still getting better with other drawings. Powerpoint stories in the making as well. I have.. 2 or 3 so far? Yup, it's 3. 2 are meant to be scary (Slender Man and a NEW creepypasta Cody and I came up with) and the 3rd is basically an Anime thing which I recently started. Idk when I'll get the idea to work on any of them again. Apology update: Sorry for being rude in earlier descriptions/updates. I'm a sweet girl! :) Continuous update: I'm still looking forward to being in a movie/game. It's just a goal I have to put my talent to work. I sing, write (more of type, actually), draw (on Office Paint as well), and I'm an actor/voice actor. Last Update: Taking off Sonic pictures and putting up my own pics that I made on Office Paint. A lot of them are GIGANTIC so I only put in 4. As much patience as it takes from me (and a lot of focus), I'm still able to get those drawings done. And best of all: I'm satisfied because it was all worth it. Extra Update (Sorry!): I MIGHT be putting in a story in this 'about me' area... just to keep you entertained and on edge (meaning to make you want to read more) ; ). More updates coming soon.


Hola! Updating 12/27/2015. Merry late Christmas! Early Happy New Year! My gift to you is an incomplete story made on my tablet, but I have many people in my family who love it. So I thought I'd share it with you. I'm going to have to take off 2 pics, tho, and I'd let you decide which one, but I want to put the story up today. So if I take down a pic you like, I'm sorry. When you are ready for me to make a new pic, put in a new story, make a new story, or add on to the one displayed, just let me know and I'll see what I can do. Maybe you can give me ideas for a new stories. Btw I found a new talent: making Slide Show movies. Sure, anyone can do it. But since I'm a writer, I'm putting new ideas into a story. So that way you don't just get to read, but see whats going on (Sounds like a regular movie, but oh well). Also, if you want me to make a new 'movie', give me the details and I'll see what I can do. And in case you're wondering, it sort of solves my 'acting problem'. I'll explain it at some point. Anyway, enjoy the story I chose for you: Trust Only ONE.


Trust only ONE

       "Jackie!" Robbie called. "Jackie!" Jackie Anderson hid behind the slide, giggling. "Jackie, I'm coming!!" Robbie laughed. Jackie
giggled, trying to crawl through the wood chips. Hide n' Seek was the best game without electronics in history, according to these two best friends. Even at 5 years old, they could never separate. They grew up together since they were born, feeling like brother and sister. In the world they were in, around 1920, the motto of Kokonanes was to Trust No One. In this case, Jackie and Robbie only trusted each other. But one day, in just 9 years, that would change... And so would their entire world, right before their eyes. 


Dear Diary,
             It's been 3 years since I've seen Robbie. I'm only 14 right now, and so is he. He hasn't called since the incident. I guess suddenly moving in the middle of the night really bugged him to not tell me. I've just been trying to get new friends, but it's not the same without Robbie. It feels like I'm trapped again, but found a key to get out. There's a new girl at school, and she sits next to me in all my classes. The weird thing is, the minute she came in the classroom, her eyes immediately drifted to me, and she gave a smile as big as Robbie's. It's been 3 days, and it feels like she's obsessed with me. She keeps reminding me of Robbie, but I just get that feeling... And if Robbie was here, he would tell I was uncomfortable because this feeling was BAD. And when I felt bad, he felt bad, no matter where he was. Yet, this feeling was so bad, it had to be true: the new girl was hiding something... And at some point, I would fall into it. 
        "Jackie Anderson!" Ms. Louvette called. "What's the answer to number 19?" Startled, I look up at my math textbook. Number 19? That was... "20." I answered. Then, a flashed back entered my mind. 1920... The childish laughter filled my head. Robbie...
          "Miss Anderson, are you going to simply write in that silly diary, Zone out, pay attention, or do these things in detention?" Ms. Louvette asked. "Pay attention..." I groan, hearing some giggling and boos behind me.
"It's my fault, Ms. Louvette. I just wanted her to write what was on her mind." The new girl, Jade said, batting her eyelashes. "Was it her booooyfrieeeeeend, Robbie?" A boy teased from the back of the class. The class laughed. "Shut up! At least she has someone to talk to. You on the other hand are desperate!" Jade retorted.
        The class let out an 'oooh.' "That's enough, Miss Grayson." Ms. Louvette shook her head. "We've heard your little attention grabbers before." Jade flipped her hair, satisfied. Everyone knew good and well that Jade was a lier- except for Ms. Louvette- so of course she just got herself in trouble... For ME. That was crazy. And I mean CRAZY. 


            I felt it surge through me like a hurricane. It bugged me so much, I almost fell out of formation. Something was going on in Jackie's world, and it seemed to be getting worse. Yet, that wasn't the only thing on my mind. 
       "Are you listening, PRIVATE?!" The Sergeant asked loudly. "If you don't get this down pat, you'll be dead before the Nazis get to you!" The word 'dead' caught my attention. Even though I didn't know what was going on, I knew the right answer. "SIR, YES SIR!" I shouted."Are you lying to me, PRIVATE?!" Sergeant yelled. "SIR, YES SIR!" I shout. "I like your honesty, Delinquent, but it won't cut it out there in Germany!" Sergeant shouted in my face. To show I had nothing else to say- and try my best to not explode at the fact that he said my last name wrong again- I said, "Noted, SIR!" Some Soldiers started to snicker, and the Sergeant nodded to me. He was done with me for now. He walked over to the snickering Soldiers. "BRIKOWSKI! SULLIVAN! SOMETHING FUNNY OVER HERE?!" Sergeant asked at the top of his lungs. "Nothing, SERGEANT!" The two responded. Kode-Red-9 Brikowski and Golden Sullivan laughed at anything I did wrong, which was pretty annoying.
        "YOU TEENAGERS DON'T KNOW NOTHIN' FOR NOTHIN'! WHEN YOU GET OUT THERE IN THE REAL WORLD, YOU'LL KEEP SWEARING THAT YOU PAYED ATTENTION IN MILITARY CAMP!!" Sergeant yelled to all of us. "There are 35 of you here! Do you think you're cut out for war?! Saving your family?! Friends?! Country?! Innocent people out there being killed?! If you don't care for a word I'm saying, go to Germany now and get slaughtered! If not, then stay here and focus the best you can! No dillydallying! This is serious! THIS IS WAR!" As many times as he said this, it bugged us as much as it bugged him. Sergeant kept yelling over and over again for the rest of the day, telling us what to do. I payed attention, but I kept on wondering 2 things: one, didn't his voice hurt right now from yelling, and two, why wasn't Jackie sending me anything or talking to me?


       The minute I got home, I dialed Robbie's number. Fortunately, the phone picked up. Unfortunately, it was the same wrong guy again. "No, miss. Your Robbie friend isn't here at this location." The man said. "Can you tell me if I comes back?" I ask, being used to this conversation. "As always, I will. I hope you do find him." He said. "Thank you, sir." I hung up, slumping down in my bean bag chair. Where was Robbie? Why wasn't he calling me? With these reoccurring questions in my head, I start to cry. I missed him so much! Every time I remember the last time I saw him, I broke down in tears. It wasn't fair! What was keeping us away?! 
            I decided to get on the computer an try looking up his name. Robbie Delaque. Where are you?! A bunch of pictures of Robbie this and that came up, and I scrolled down to something that looked like him. Big quirky smile, determining face, one blue eye and the other green. This had to be him. I click on the picture, feeling doubt and hope. The description read everything about Robbie that I knew about, but what gave it away was the wrong last name and age.
        I punched my computer screen, angry that I keep trying to solve this situation over and over again. Then came back the same answer: I needed to see if he was OK. To finally get the right number or address so I can feel good to call him or send him mail. To hear his voice again. To hug him -we weren't the same height anymore, I had betted myself, so I would be hard to hug him -and ask him so many questions. To see the new Robbie. But with the thick opaque wall blocking us, how could I find him?




(Note: Will be continued!)





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$420$ 5 Points

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Here Have a Dinosaur 5 Points

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Uber Shadoo 5 Points

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